why should we learn about slavery?
help stop slavey!!!
Slavery should be stopped all around the world. So do your part to help stop slavery. We need everyone to do there part to help. If we don't who will?
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I think Muhammed was real determined because he would not let anyone tell him what or who he was. "But every morning he would get up and say I am a man"(pg.15)
I'm Scared for Lizzy
I was scared for Lizzy when Joshua and Lem left because Mister Joe Haynes and Master Lewis might think that Lizzy knows where Joshua and Lem are and could try to get the infomation from. and she does not tell them she could get whipped.
the long walk home
it was hard not cry during the movie(the long walk home)staring Whoppi Goldberg and Sissy Spacaek. I love the scene were the bus driver kicked the white kids off the bus!!!!
Emmett Till's Funeral Opinion
Emitt's mom showed her son's dead and torcherd body to public. Wich I agree with because It shows what whites can do to black.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
my scrapbook

I can’t imagine being Mahummad because he has been trough a lot of hard stuff in his life, he had to kill a Seen-ba. The when he stopped to catch his breath BAM he was sold in to slavery. Oh and the living conditions on the ship were no vacation too. You were crammed into the smallest room on earth with lots of other people. Don’t get me started with the smell. All what you could smell was sweat human waist and vomit. The smell could kill a fly. If I was mahummad I would be asking myself “Is my family and friends ok” and “will I ever go back to Africa.” (pg.6-7) It must of been so hard for him to go though this when he was only 11 years old, not knowing what’s going to happen to you and were you are or going to end up. I would be so scared to watch other people even your friends getting whipped and knowing that could be you. Lots of people died from food shortage they only getting food once a day and water twice a day.

I woke up one morning to in 1864 by bags and booms of guns. Later that day Lizzy said that she over herd some white folks talking and they called it the civil war. I can’t even imagine how Lizzy would be felling because she hade to go though this with out her mom at the age of 13. A while a go Joshua and Lem ran away. But Master Lewis and Mister Joe Haynes found Lem and brought him back to the plantain. After dinner Miss Julia invited Lizzy into her house. Lizzy thought that she hade to clean the kitchen but Saran all ready clean the house today. But all what they did was talk about stuff and to have tea with her, because she was bored. Personally I think Miss Julia should not have the right to do that, it is all ready stupid that you can make some one else to do your house work but force them to talk and have tea with you. That’s just plain wrong. Miss told Lizzy that she would take her to Jonson city and by her pretty dresses. She all so told Lizzy that her daddy was going to tie Lem to a tree for the whole night and see if he will tell were Joshua is. When I was talking to Lizzy later that night she told me, that her Grandma Dolly said not to believe every thing she hears and when I told her I agreed she didn’t say any thing she ran away. When I call back at her and said “were are you going” she said “bringing Joshua water” and kept on running. Lizzy got caught and Master Lewis whipped her. Which tarred a piece of her dress off. I herd that Joshua was bleeding a lot. Owch I cant imagine what they did to him.
I cant stop worring about how Grandma Saran and Grandpa Mosesare going to pay thier taxes. I dont whant to lose the farm because the farm is one of the few things we own. My family and I wouls be homeless and thats the last thing I whant to happen. At the farm I over heard Cliton and Grandma Saran thalking about little david and hw he whent fishing withwith foster “Who was all was all ways half jucid uo”(pg.83) Elija and his friend Abby were going to look for littl david when Elija hade a briliant idea to tell Mr.Turner and see if he would offer some reward money. Mr.Turner said if they found his son he would give them $35.oo. I don’t think I have ever sen the much money in my life.Sherif Glover whent with Abby and Elija in the storm to find little David. It was so windy that the wind was all what you could hear and the waves crashing on the side of the boat. Elija wa s just about give up when he heard someone calling for help.When they saw that Foster was serisly hurted and that littleDavid hade a broken leg. they all head back to the boat were Abby was waiting for them. The storm made it hard for them to get back were evryone was waiting for them.when they got back Mr.Turner and Sherif Glover walked away with little David.Leaving Elija wondering if he would ever see the reward money. In the town paper it said that little David was rescued by Sherif Glover. It did not say anything about Abby and Elija. Elija whent to old man turnershouse asking for the money. When he saw Frank petty waiting by the boat. He asked Elija if he could borrow the boat and Elija said no. when Elija whent home with the money.Sherif Glover wa there worning him that he was going to get wipped.so Elija ran away to Chicgo.

Tommy Lewis loves basketball, and when he and his team won the city finals and broke Delaney High's long victory streak. Tommy And his team were celebrating in the locker room. "Tommy, you did it!" Jimmy Manigault grabbed Tommy's shoulders. "No," Tommy said. "We did it! We won it because we're the best team. One guy doesnt beat Delaney!" (pg.213). all the other scouts were looking at Aiken, Tommy's check but he was too old for college ball and he probably couldn’t keep up with the school work.I find Mr. Chase really suspicious. What he said seems too good to be true, and it sounds like he's trying to sweet talk Tommy. Tommy, though, seemed quite convinced. He was a little nervous, but he was also really excited about skipping his last year of high school. To go play for a collage basketball team.,Virginia Lewis(his mom) wasnt so sure. "I still dont see how you can go to college if you dont finish highschool," his mother said. "Remember this, child. You are not white and you cannot be cutting corners like white folks do." (pg.223) That nightthe phone rang. It was his white friend, Skeeter, and he was asking for a ride to the hospital. He'd been bitten by a snake. Tommy went with his Dad and drove Skeeter to Johnson City to the hospital for whites. No one had ever said officially that Mercy Hospital...was the hospital for whites, or that Dow...was the hospital for Negroes. (pg.226Tommy went to work later that night and spoke with his boss about segregationIt sure would've been a lot different.Mr. Chase called while Tommy was eating dinner with his mom, father and grandmother. He said, "I spoke to some of the trustees at the school, and they were really pleased that you were thinking about the offer to come to Johnson City State." (pg.253). Now, back to the whole march, Jennie came and told Tommy that Martin Luther King Jr couldnt come to the march! That meant that the march wouldnt get much coverage at all. "Dr. King's not coming to the march...He sends his blessings and stuff like that, but he cant come. Half the newspeople left already." (pg.257) But they werent going to call off the march, because otherwise they would look like they were too afraid. Skeeter, who was now out of the hospital and was going to the march.People were really acting up about this march. Some kids tried to scare Tommy with a pistol. People were running about in the Klan uniform. The woman behind the counter of a coffee shop became really rude with Tommy. Tommy didnt march with the rest of the coloured people. Still, with or without Tommy, they marched and sang, And before I'd be a slave, I'll be buried in my grave, and go home to my Lord and be free. But soon after, I think Tommy regretted not marching. After the march Skeeter had been beat up really bad. It was pretty serious, but Skeeter didnt take back anything he'd done at the march. "I'm glad I marched." he said. (pg.273)Tommy felt something really needed to be done. Skeeter was only trying to help! Everyone felt that nothing could be done. Tommy went to a Press Conference Meeting that was being held at the local library. Sheriff Moser and Reverend McKinnon were saying that they were going to make demonstrations near the library and on public property. " Wont that just about stop all demonstrations in Johnson City?" a white reporter asked. (pg.282 Just as the press was getting bored, Tommy ran to the front of the room, brought out a pair of old shackles, and locked one side onto Sheriff Moser, and the other onto his own wrist. Everyone was so confused, but this was Tommy's time. "This is the chain used to bring the first of my family to Johnson City over two hundred years ago!" Tommy called out. (pg. 284) His method was so effective to me, and it's meaning really cut me deep. Tommy was put in jail for performing a demonstration. Mr. Chase had called and said they had to withdraw the scholarship. Tommy had expected that, though. He didnt really care about it then, because everyone was congratulating and thanking him. Reverend McKinnon had said that his own little demonstration had been on television.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I think Elijah is grown up because he whent out on the water to rescue a little boy who was with a drunk man. I think that takes a lot of courage and everyone should be proud of him. I know I am
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